History of Grace Evangelical Free Church of Aledo, Illinios
During the summer of 1983, a couple moved into the Aledo area with an Evangelical Free Church background. They had enjoyed the AWANA youth program, which ministered to their children. They talked with others about beginning an AWANA program in Aledo. This discussion also revealed the need for a church more biblically true. A group of couples began to meet for prayer to seek God’s direction. A Bible study was formed, and a Dallas Seminary graduate, Mike Holt, was asked to lead the study. After he left for a pastorate, George Oles, a deacon at First Evangelical Free Church in Moline, agreed to lead the study. As this study grew, it became apparent that a new church was needed. Contact was made with Rev. Gene Swanstrom of the Great Lakes District office of the Evangelical Free Church of America. He acknowledged that the story of these people was familiar to that of people across the nation, who were looking for a church which stood for the Scriptures. Early in May of 1984, Rev. Swanstrom met with several couples to discuss how to form a new church, and to see if there was enough commitment to do so. No decision was made at that time.
Pastor Jim Augustine was our next pastor. He and his family came to Grace EFC from Michigan, where they have returned to guide a church in evangelism and small groups starting in November, 2023. We tried to incorporate another interim pastor through Interim Pastor Ministries. We very much appreciate the help they have been in the past. The pandemic caused a lot of potential interim pastors to retire. As a result, we were not able to hook up with an interim. However, the Lord led us to Pastor Russ Young and his wife, Karen. They were installed on October 27, 2024. We look forward to their impact on our church and community, as we all seek the Lord's lead in our mission to be a light in this world.
- On May 22, 1984, four couples met with their families for a potluck meal, and named the church Grace Evangelical Free Church of Aledo. Temporary officers were elected at that time: Chairman - Bill Hofmann; Vice-Chairman--Jim Marshall; Treasurer--Renee Elmer; Secretary--Vicki Patterson. Several meetings followed with further discussion on the church’s start-up and services.
- On June 11, 1984, Rev. Swanstrom returned again to answer questions the group had. He brought 54 hymnals and two manuals on how to establish an Evangelical Free Church. Two days later, the group met in Aledo's Fenton Park and organized how to have Sunday School, ordering materials, an order of worship, scheduling jobs, and how to get publicity. They could begin meeting in the Farm Bureau building basement.
- On June 17, the group met for the first practice session in the Farm Bureau building, with 13 people present--seven adults, two youth, and four children in Sunday school. They practiced again the next Sunday, and then held the first official meeting of Grace Evangelical Free Church of Aledo on July 1, 1984, with Rev. Elof Anderson, a former missionary to Columbia, preaching, and Teresa Kopp shared special music. There were 41 present at the morning worship service, and 35 at the evening service.
- In August Rev. Swanstrom returned to explain how to form by-laws and answer corresponding questions on the founding of the church and how to get speakers.
- In November, resumes of pastoral candidates from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and Dallas Theological Seminary were reviewed. The Constitution and By-Laws were completed and approved. A charter membership meeting was held, with 22 people sharing their love for the Lord and their commitment to each other to do all they could to make this church a light in this community to show people the way to Jesus Christ and to show them how to have purpose and meaning in their lives by following His Word. The charter members are: Mark Allen Helen Marshall Dennis Patterson Vicki Allen James Marshall Vicki Patterson Jeanne Carlson Joanne Marshall John Rehnstrom Stephen Carlson John Marshall Louise Rehnstrom Renee Elmer Jean Melvin Vaunda Spivey Steven Elmer Jon Melvin Kathleen Whitehall Merion Hofmann Ronald Melvin Rodger Whitehall William Hofmann Incorporation papers were signed December 18, and sent to the state, and registered December 28 in the Mercer County Courthouse.
- New officers were elected in 1985 as the church continued to look for a pastor. On June 3 the church called Curtis Gunther as pastor. He remained with the church until May of 1987. Senior high youth was formed in September, and in October, the church moved from the Farm Bureau building to Apollo Elementary school’s gymnasium for services, being held both Sunday mornings and evenings at that time. A mid-week Bible study was added in October, and the following fall, Adventure Club was added for grades 1-6, with VBS added the following summers.
- In August, 1988, Rev. Scott Wagner became pastor, and he was with the church until July of 1990. In November, 1990, the church purchased the former House of the Risen Son building at 606 SE 3rd Street (the present location). Renovations were begun for the purposes of the church.
- One year later, in November, 1991, Pastor Tim Underwood came to Grace EFC. He served in the church until June 23, 2002. The church decided to hire an interim pastor during the time it searched for a new pastor. Stan Conrad joined us in July of 2002 as interim pastor. He and his wife Joyce were with us until the summer of 2003.
Pastor Jim Augustine was our next pastor. He and his family came to Grace EFC from Michigan, where they have returned to guide a church in evangelism and small groups starting in November, 2023. We tried to incorporate another interim pastor through Interim Pastor Ministries. We very much appreciate the help they have been in the past. The pandemic caused a lot of potential interim pastors to retire. As a result, we were not able to hook up with an interim. However, the Lord led us to Pastor Russ Young and his wife, Karen. They were installed on October 27, 2024. We look forward to their impact on our church and community, as we all seek the Lord's lead in our mission to be a light in this world.